I talk about a personal issue and struggle that I’m going through, related to the finality of my running career…perhaps? On a very special “Scott Speaks”…
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Adam’s Apple Orchard
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST 2023.10.13 – “The Boston Cigarette Tournament”
We open the show discussing horror movies and Friday the 13th! Todd recaps (16:30) some of his adventures in European travel, and we discuss if Seinfeld should come back…like, at all. We get Todd’s true thoughts (40:00) on the recent happenings around “The Dame,” and then talk hoops for awhile. Todd and I run through the G.O.A.T.s of various sports (59:00) and we learn how narrow Todd’s sports scope is. We close out the show guessing the ages of various celebrities (85:00), it’s a blast!
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Max
The Bro Pod YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@the_bro_pod
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST Special Episode (Scott Speaks) – “Apple Pickin’ Yo”
Saturday night and I’m hitting the mic solo to talk about what I did today, and it involves apples and it involves football. You can fill in the rest…
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Adam’s Apple Orchard
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST 2023.09.26 – “I don’t really have 10 days worth of clothes”
The show starts off with Todd and I reciting the Flintstones theme song, which leads to MANY more theme song challenges! We move onto some Hollywood news (41:00) and chat about the WGA strike ending, and the new “The Office” spin-off rumors. We then hop into some early Halloween conversation (61:30) with a review of the new “Fall Festival Candy Corn” from Brach’s. We talk for a bit about some YouTube (74:00) magic tricks, and then talk about Todd’s upcoming trip to Europe.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, AmazonPrime Video, Brach’s
The Bro Pod YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@the_bro_pod
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST 2023.09.21 – “I don’t have anything interesting to say”
We begin the show with a quick Fantasy Football update from Todd, and then Todd walks us through how he manages his TikTok addiction, before talking about “soccer parenthood.” We have our first topic of the night with Todd asking me (17:30) “How often do you think about the Roman Empire?” We jump into a talk about passive income (42:00) and then go DEEP into some financial advice that literally none of you should listen to. We close out the show (88:00) with some #foodchat, specifically diet soda chat…riveting as always.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, TikTok, Lay’s, Starry Zero
The Bro Pod YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@the_bro_pod
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST Special Episode (Scott Speaks) – “Climbing Hills and CU Thrills”
Another Saturday evening update on two topics for you tonight. I give a brief update on tomorrow’s Mt. Evans hill climb for myself, and then ask the question all the locals are pondering ‘Is Denver now a college football town?’
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, PrimeTime
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST 2023.09.07 – “There’s no squish in there?”
The show starts off with a VERY LONG discussion of Buc-ees, enjoy. We discuss another death in the entertainment industry (27:00)…or two. The question of ‘Who is the most famous person alive?’ (39:00) is posed and discussed. We talk about tattoos and why we don’t have them (62:00) and then close it out with some #foodchat and Halloween discussions.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Buc-ees, Mars candies
The Bro Pod YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@the_bro_pod
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST 2023.08.31 – “The Boberry is the Kryptonite of the Diabetic”
We begin the show with a discussion of passing gas while running, and other running related topics, and then jump right into some asinine food chatter. We talk about the loss (18:00) of a legend, Bob Barker…and then talk at length about the show he helmed for decades. Todd derails the show (47:00) with a “PYT” reference and we then go down an odd path about 80s TV show “stars.” We finally do a breakdown (57:00) of Succession Season 4, and then chat about other good TV.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Brachs Pumpkins, Bojangles
The Bro Pod YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@the_bro_pod
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST 2023.08.24 – “The Dew Dew Point”
The show starts with an update from Todd since he’s been out most of the month, and then a detailed #weatherchat conversation about dew point…it’s riveting. Todd actually brings up a couple topics (19:00)…for a change…including Todd now using box meals in his household! Todd tells tales of (49:00) having a dead hybrid car. We then close out the show (56:00) for the last 40 minutes with some Sib Drib, focusing on free agency and NBA hoopers nicknames.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, HelloFresh
The Bro Pod YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@the_bro_pod
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com
BPST Special Episode (Scott Speaks) – “Wind & World Championships”
Saturday evening update on two topics for you tonight. Quick chat about severe weather in SoCal, the likes of which are almost never seen, and then (10:00) my thoughts on the 2023 Track & Field Championships. Let me know your feedback!
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, CNBC, The Weather Channel
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com