The show kicks off with the “salad deets,” leading to this show’s title! We then spend 20 minutes talking about candy, continuing the food theme with which we opened with and peaking with the tale of my Gobstoppers (27:30) collection! We start talking about finances, shocking I know, regarding how you raise kids and money (41:30). Two old men talk about on-line dating (50:00) for a few minutes. A conversation about emo music (57:30) broke out, only slowed by my poor internet connection. We then close the show by chatting about tennis? It happened…
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BPST 2019.06.18 – “It also has a poop sprayer, that’ll spray right into your butthole”
The show is back with a recap from Todd about Japan. It lasts a long time. Then we do a recap of what happened in the NBA (39:00) in the time that Todd was gone, including our free agency speculation and draft chat.
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BPST Archives 2017.11.06 – “You don’t get greasy drawers from them rubbing your ass…”
Todd was in Japan last week, so we turn back the clock to bring you this one! We start out by chatting about Larry David’s SNL appearance. We segue into (15:00) how society likes to over-analyze ALL jokes nowadays. We break down (27:45) Stranger Things 2 for a bit…and then ultimately get a running update (47:45) from Todd! The show closes out with a classic tale of my first ever massage (52:45).
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BPST 2019.06.04 – “The Optimus Prime Meridian”
Show starts with Todd talking about his upcoming Japan trip. This immediately leads to an idiotic discussion of the International Date Line and time zones and travel. We bounce into (37:15) the latest from Apple, including the death of iTunes?? We then talk, everyone’s favorite, (45:00) Spelling Bee!! This led to a discussion of (61:15) college tuition prices nowadays. We wrap up with everyone’s favorite (73:30): food talk!
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BPST 2019.05.29 – “Straight up Chiclets”
The show opens with “ski chat,” followed by an embarrassingly long TV talk segment, focusing on reality shows. We talk about other pods (21:00) namely the ‘new’ Conan pod. We actually hit the first official topic (41:50) with closing the door on Game of Thrones. We hit an almost political topic (57:15) with a discussion of ‘Universal Basic Income.’ And, not surprisingly, we do quick predictions (75:00) for the NBA Finals.
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BPST 2019.05.21 – “Detritus, flotsam and jetsam”
Our 50th Episode!
The show starts with the usual babble, including Todd avoiding talking about his beloved Blazers getting booted out of the playoffs. The “Barry” conversation kicks off (3:00) the show in earnest, as we discuss the season finale, and what to expect in Season 3, which somehow turns into a lengthy conversation about road rage. We kick into NBA chat (35:15) for an unGodly long amount of time, which morphs into a conversation about my flat tires…somehow. We close it out with a portion of our Game of Thrones (77:25) chat.
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BPST 2019.05.13 – “The pubis mound can still do something for the ladies…”
The show begins with a discussion of my tardy gift giving, childhood money management, youth sports, and modern kids and TV. We finally hit a real topic (15:25) with Game of Thrones talk including this season, my binging of GOT, and final episode theories abound!! We shift to “Barry” chat (46:00) and speculate on how that series will end as well! Todd does his first ever transition tag (54:15) leading us into 30 minutes of NBA chatter.
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BPST 2019.05.08 – “Alexa, bring me a bag of pretzels…”
Show kicks off with a discussion of changing clothes when you get home, and how to dress like a slob. We then move on (17:45) to a convo about A.I., link below, and the future of vocal automation. A brief conversation about Straight Edge Water (42:00) opens up, and then we finish off the show with a story from 60 Minutes (54:30) about Canadian throat singing…something (not shockingly) right up Todd’s alley. Oh, and we talk about getting old (74:50).
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BPST 2019.05.02 – “Dookie Shoots”
The show starts with a, far too long, conversation about Justin Timberlake and his sexiness, which non-ironically turned into 15 minutes on underwear. We then discuss how Todd will be celbrating (25:15) his “birthday week,” a conversation that includes food (mostly donuts), of course. Post “donut chat” we dive into the most recent episode of Barry (48:15), and then jump into the mirage of boredom known as the NBA Playoffs. We then wrap up the show with the much anticipated (76:05) debut of “Ask the Cos”…it’s just what you think it is.
BPST 2019.04.24 – “There is no math involved in slots other than, you’re not going to win.”
We kick off the festivities talking hoops briefly, which somehow moved into a conversation about local poker games of my past. We officially start the show (23:40) by talking about what qualifies/disqualifies a person for their respective Hall of Fame, which somehow ended in a conversation about music in the 1930s, and then jumped into a Coachella conversation. Typical bro pod! And finally, and lastly (63:30), we talk about “the shot” and other NBA boredom.