BPST 2019.11.12 – “Water Color Porn”

Yet again, the first few minutes of the pod have shitty audio from Todd’s side, but then we get it fixed for the next 80!!…so, that’s a thing. Todd starts us off by talking about his latest YouTube obsession. We switch it up and talk about our grade school (24:40) memories, which quickly moves to Cinnamon Coke and Coke Zero chat. We then do a couple quick-hitters (55:30) by discussing the show “Masked Singer” and holiday car commercials. The show wraps up with some sports chat (68:15) including football and basketball deep cuts!
Sponsors: YouTube, GoogleDocs, Coke, mini gingerbread men
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
https://www.youtube.com/user/jayglol reaction videos

BPST 2019.11.07 – “Rake the Snake”

The pod is back, as is Todd, although his audio is still injured (as you’ll hear). So he took a week off but decided to rejoin. We start with some Halloween updates including trick-or-treating tales as well as a discussion of the terrifying “McKamey Manor” (25:45)…look it up. It led into a story about Todd being scared of all things, namely snakes (38:00). We then talk about the issues with Netflix (48:50) and how it is fundamentally different. We basically wrap up with a tale of going to show in DC (59:00) by Todd…and then some NBA chatter (72:45) to close it out.
Sponsors: Netflix, HBOGo
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST 2019.10.31 – “Candy Testicles”

The 2019 Halloween Spectacular (v. 2019) is sans a BRO! But fear not, neither a ghost nor a goblin has taken Todd (that we know of), but the show must go on!!…so the wife and I spent the first 30 minutes talking about trick-or-treating, Halloween, and…of course…candy. We then speak about our favorite costumes, talk about what our dog is snacking on, and general good times. Enjoy!
Sponsors: Cherry Coke Zero, candy
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST 2019.10.10 – “MC Light Drizzles”

Show starts off with some weather talk, as two old men often do, and we quickly dive into Todd’s rap career…so to speak. We also remind ourselves of our “Yukon Cornelius” rap from the ’18 Christmas Spectacular (14:45), it was amazing. Quick discussion of Disney World, and then we get into Todd’s Japan trip (24:50) “Round 2.” Brief discussion of my wedding (32:45), and what non-Denverites find interesting. We wrap up the pod with some NBA preseason (46:00) chat.
Sponsors: NONE
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST Archives 2017.12.03 – “Big Shaft Up the Ass”

We start off talking about the Curb season finale, and our thoughts on the season. We move on to some other topics (18:40) including some chatter about College Football, some cryptocurrency (30:00) chat, and the future of the pod (49:45) and the pod network. The show ends with us yapping about random crap, including an “actual” (60:00) running update…shocking, I know.
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST Archives 2017.11.20 – “He did it all for the nookie”

Our first ever ‘Thanksgiving Spectacular’ starts with a brief chat about the pod socials, and then we quickly move into Thanksgiving favorites and traditions. We do some NFL/Eagles talk (20:50) and show how little we know about the sport. We jump into (32:00) the way that we consume media (TV, music, etc) nowadays and how that changes everything. We basically close out the show (45:45) with a discussion of nu-metal, and how we wish it never existed. We officially close with a useless (63:00) Todd running update…ugh.
Sponsors: AAA
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST 2019.09.20 – “Cause you’re a slot bitch”

We start the show talking about my illness and recovery from it, and how it was Vegas’ fault! We then go on and on about all sorts of stuff that is not categorized…for a long time. Finally, we jump into (47:20) the Jerky Boys, and their legacy. We close with a discussion of (Sunday) comics (57:55) that is sure to bore you to tears.
Sponsors: NONE (contact us for opportunities!)
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST 2019.09.10 – “Turd Emo”

We kick off the show with a look at PlutoTV (tonight’s sponsor!) and what it does/does not offer, along with Todd’s obsession with Diet Coke. We then dive into a deep discussion (11:40) about emo music: what it is, what it isn’t, and how millenials don’t get it. We take a detour (37:00) into restaurant names that play on 80s sitcoms. We then hop into the Vegas preview (45:35) and talk about various betting strategies and what my plans are for the bachelor party, and then wrap up with some football chatter.
Sponsors: PlutoTV
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com

BPST 2019.09.04 – “Your Bits are Bobbling”

We open the pod talking about the upcoming Vegas trip and budgets contained therein. We then do a brief discussion (17:30) of the “First Day Pics” on Facebook. We continue our adoration of HBO shows (37:20) with a Righteous Gemstones review. We take a hard right (54:20) and talk about a new ultra-marathon world record…it was awesome.
Sponsors: Parkay
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com