BPST 2021.12.30 – “Ice in Rice”

The final show of the year begins with an update on Christmas and the gifts given. We then move into a discussion about sports and COVID (34:15) and how inverted our priorities are in society. Short update on a topic from last week (56:30) regarding Christmas breaks, and then hopped right into the season finale of Curb recap. We then close out the final show of ’21 (76:00) discussing the ‘year that was.’
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, 2022
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes, theofficialSantaClaus
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.12.22 – “The Christmas Spectacular Show 2021”

We begin the show with some very special co-hosts, Rudolph and Santa!! They talk for a LONG time about how excited they are for the upcoming “big night” for the both of them! Todd & Scott jump back in (52:00) and go right to a discussion about rabid Wheel of Fortune fans, and then jump into this week’s Curb review.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Christmas, Wheel of Fortune, Righteous Gemstones
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes, theofficialSantaClaus
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.12.16 – “My favorite pie is…nope”

The show starts with Todd and I doing some horrible impressions of the “movie voice guy,” which leads to us talking about the difference between modern watching of movies versus TV. We then jump right into (18:00) our HBO weekly show conversation with Succession, followed by Curb. We then finish out (52:30) the list of Stereogum’s best 40 new bands of 2021.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Pablo Francisco’s career, Matrix movies
Stereogum Article: https://www.stereogum.com/2164128/best-new-bands-artists-2021/lists/best-new-bands/
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.12.07 – “Sexual Tai Chi”

We start the show talking about Todd’s upcoming visit to Manhattan. We then jump right into our HBO updates (10:30) of Curb and Succession. We quickly shift to a quick chat about the OG (45:20) ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ which I recently watched on a plane. We then jump into this week’s Stereogum (52:15) offerings.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Crumbl, Honey Baked Ham
Stereogum Article: https://www.stereogum.com/2164128/best-new-bands-artists-2021/lists/best-new-bands/
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.12.01 – “They’re 5 inches, substantial and thick”

The show begins with a recap from Todd on the Thanksgiving on-goings, focusing primarily on which eatery hot spots were hit. We then jump into the weekly HBO show update (37:15), starting with Curb and finishing with Succession. We then jump into this week’s offering of 10 songs from the Sterogum list (64:30), it was definitely better overall than last week, and we then close out with a quick chat about our Spotify ‘end of year’ list.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Crumbl, Honey Baked Ham
Stereogum Article: https://www.stereogum.com/2164128/best-new-bands-artists-2021/lists/best-new-bands/
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.11.24 – “What are you sucking down there?, a Thanksgiving Special”

We start with a brief update of our Thanksgiving plans, including a mahjong deep dive. We then jump into a recap of the last FOUR (17:00) episodes of Succession, along with the most recent Curb offering. We finally jump into the first 10 tracks on this years Stereogum (link below) “Top 40 Best New Bands of 2021” (46:00) which, as expected, has some winners and some losers.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, HBOMax
Stereogum Article: https://www.stereogum.com/2164128/best-new-bands-artists-2021/lists/best-new-bands/
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.11.17 – “I shat in the kitchen sink”

The show kicks off with the return of the bros, and a quick tale about Scott’s woes with his thermostat. We quickly jump into Todd’s trip to the Big Apple (7:30) and all the chicanery that followed. We give a quick update on my phone (25:00) situation, which is, as of yet, unresolved. I then give a short plumbing update (34:15), since Todd never listens to our own show…even though I talked about it last week. We do a quick recap of the Fantasy Football (52:15) season, and then jump into the Curb updates (59:15). We close out the show with a WSOP update (77:45) and a teaser about the final few shows of the year.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Chromecast, GoPro
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

Super Secret Saturday Night Scott Show 2021.11.13 – “Chillin with one of the bros”

Todd is out of town and the wifey and I couldn’t get together on a show time, so it’s just your boy Scotty J talking to you about my life. I bring you up to speed on my house’s plumbing woes, tell you about my Vegas trip, and talk about TV shows that I watch, though I shouldn’t. Good times!
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.11.02 – “Braves win the World Series!”

We start the show in the midst of what was ultimately the clinching Game 6 for the Braves, and then hop into some happenings in Todd’s life. I then paint a picture about the horrific plumbing disaster (18:30) happening at my house. I also recant my Pixel 6 situation (46:00). We close out the show with a breif “Curb” discussion (59:00) followed by a talk about all the options for streaming TV nowadays.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Google Pixel 6, Crackle
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com

BPST 2021.10.27 – “Oblate Spheroids”

The show begins with a quick Vegas discussion, specifically that Todd’s wife was out there for work and rocking the penny slots. We then jump into (10:30) the season premiere of Curb breakdown, followed by a Succession discussion (spoiler alert!). We touch quickly on the Braves being in the World Series (37:45), and then jump into Halloween candy and candy from around the world, including a period of me just doing a soliloquy about all things Halloween. We close the show with some quick chatter (92:00) about my new Pixel: arriving this week!, and a brief Todd Lasso update.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s new album, Google Pixel 6
Scotty Js YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3WWSlwDKYf7P5k4XdP3zA
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
E-mail the show!: thebropodnetwork@gmail.com
Buy Merch!!: thebropod.threadless.com
Our Website: www.bropodnetwork.com