The show begins with a soda discussion, and then we jump into a home improvement talk about my kitchen sink issues. A deep dive into shower routines (13:15) takes place…enjoy! We go very deep into (37:30) Star Wars canon, it’s as fun as it sounds. Todd discusses his trip to NYC (51:00), including an annoying usher on Broadway, and I talk briefly about my Detroit trip. We close the show (68:00) talking about the Rage tour cancellation and the Vegas stabbing.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Crystal Light, Dunkin Donuts, Crumbl
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IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.09.29 – “Milky looking white color…”
We start the show talking about where we store our important documents, and then jump into some Hurrican Ian talk. We then move on to parade conversations (13:30), and morph that into a long talk about 90s popular music! I talk about my bike ride (55:30) up Mt Evans from last weekend, and how I need to keep exercising to keep “old man” weight off…which then led to talking about this week’s Crumbl offering and the latest Mt Dew offering. Coincidence?
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Pitchfork, Crumbl, VooDooMtDew, MOD Pizza
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.09.22 – “I guess ants are small”
The show begins with a very interesting conversation about the hyper prevalance of ants across the globe. We catch everyone up on the water conversation (20:00) from a few weeks back, which Todd barely remembers…which says a lot. We then shift to a riveting talk 31:00) about US rivers…it’s amazing. We do HVAC chat (40:00) for a bit, and then we do a quick food and candy chat. Todd updates us on his trip (52:00) to Santa Barbara. We talk about my bike ride up Mt Evans (67:45) and why it’s so much fun…hint: danger…and then we close out with some college and pro football chatter.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Google, AppleTV, Ebay
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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2022.09.16 – The Other Half: Volume 13
The show begins with a donut question which goes in 14 different directions before it’s ultimately answered. We talk about “the kid” and the related eating (27:45) escapades. We jump into a survey of the top states (45:30) that people are leaving and moving into.
Sponsors: Lamars, local Safeway
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.09.07 – “I pulled out and finished it…”
We kick the show off chatting about our Labor Day events and quickly jumping into a fantasy football discussion, and NBA chat. We moved on to talk about (13:00) having peers/friends of ours die and high school reunions. We talk breifly about the California (33:30) minimum wage change, and the potential impact it might have on CA residents. We take up most of the second half of the show (41:00) putting together our top punk and pop-punk bands of all-time. We close out the show (78:30) talking about vinyl values from Todd’s collection…it’s as exciting as it sounds.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Google, AppleTV, Ebay
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.08.31 – “T.H.A.D.”
The show starts with Todd not paying attention, as always, and then we hop into an update on Flo Milli, a classic musician for this pod! We do a full review (19:30) of the Mt. Dew product “Major Melon”…zero, of course. We then dive into (26:30) our tales from jury duty. A scientific conversation about the regeneration of water (46:00) begins, and you can hear two idiots posit what they remember about it from middle school. We move along to the role that church and community plays (67:30) in the upbringing of a child.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Mt Dew
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.08.26 – “Put that podcast on the radio!”
We start the show talking about dopplegangers and how sometimes people think they look alike, and they really don’t. We chat about (28:00) the importance of birthays as you get older, or lack thereof. We jump into horror movies (41:00) and other things that Todd is afraid to watch, which leads to a convo regarding the ending of Better Call Saul. We close out the show with some recaps of the latest HBO offerings (63:30) The Rehearsal and House of the Dragon. We truly close out the show (88:00) with a quick Sibling Dribblings.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Cheddars,
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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2022.08.20 – The Other Half: Volume 12
We start the show talking about colloquialisms from the South, and then go deep into what we think “thirst traps” are and if I was ever “thirst trapted.” We then go in depth about water conservation (16:00) and the “water cycle” and where all the water in the world goes. We then talk (31:30) for a bit too long about giving our dog Stella two baths in one day. We discuss the HBO show “The Rehearsal” (42:00) in depth, and then close out the show with a chat about shows we need to watch and how we don’t have time to do so, and the upcoming college football season.
Sponsors: Juicy Fruit, 60 Minutes
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.08.11 – “The ‘Guzzling’ Conversation”
The show begins with a very inappropriate conversation about certain words, and conveniently we talk about my neice’s birthday the previous weekend. I tell a quick tale (12:15) about spreading the word of the pod. We then spend almost an hour testing Todd’s knowledge (21:00) of the most successful bands of the past 40 years (from a touring perspective)…it’s borderline infuriating, but still entertaining.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, Lush, Cheesecake Factory
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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BPST 2022.08.04 – “Oral Gina”
We start the show with Todd outright lying for a bit, then we do a deep dive into dentistry, with a brief detour talking about when we starting using curse words…it’s a wild ride. We lament our lives in the “burbs” (40:30) and discuss why no one goes to the downtown areas anymore, though the ease of getting fast food is nice. We briefly discuss (51:00) the Brittney Griner situation. We close out with a social media (65:00) and phone usage conversation, back to school chat, raising kids, and this week’s episode of The Rehearsal.
Sponsors: ScottyJ’s album, The Real World, Burger King, trickshot_ceo
Scotty Js YouTube Page:
IG & Twitter: the_bro_pod, littleBquotes
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